If you haven't done so, please visit www.applixir.com, sign up for an account by going through the signup process. Once you have confirmed your account and logged in to your AppLixir Dashboard, go to the "Site" tab and "Add New Site". A Site is anything accessible over HTML which includes web games, web apps, paywalls, etc.
Select the platform. For HTML5, choose Web. Enter the "Site Name" and "Site URL”. For the Site URL just enter the domain name, not the path (e.g. https://www.mysite.com)
Once you have created a Site, the system will automatically generate a Game ID and Zone ID for you. These IDs will be used in the application.
Important note: When first starting your AppLixir integration, you will be using zone 2050 which will operate until your account is enabled and you receive your production zone ID. Zone 2050 displays a special ad you can use to test your integration. You can’t test with real ads since testing looks like click fraud to the ad servers. If you need to do further testing in the future, remember to change the zone to 2050.
If you haven't downloaded the sample file, check this link. https://cdn.applixir.com/Web-SDK.zips