Integration Questions
Questions about SDK integration, testing and launch
- Can I filter out specific type of ads?
- AdsLoader error: AdError 1009
- AdLoader error: 303: No Ads VAST Response
- How do I show the Ad?
- I there a way to ask your API if there is video available before calling invokeApplixirVideoUnit ?
- Is there any callback for when the ad is finished
- Playing Ads in game server hosted at localhost
- Couldn't find any place-holder except maybe the name of the applixir_richmediaframe_...html file. So, do I rename the file?
- ads.txt for AppLixir Publishers
- If I want to show a video ad to the user, what JS function should I call.
- Am testing Applixir and cannot get any ads.
- What is the behavior when no videos are available? it just call the callback with true as watched?