As stated above, this solution served ads for web projects. Therefore you need to establish a Unity project and set the target platform to be WebGL.
To add unity SDK to your project, download and add the SDK package to the projects using the menu “Assets -> Import package -> Custom Package”, then navigate to the downloaded .unitypackage file.
This will create an Applixir folder inside your project. Here is the Package to Download
After adding the SDK, navigate to the asset menu “Tools -> ApplixirSDK -> Applixir Ads Config”.
You will see in the inspector tab the configuration file that the SDK uses. You need to fill in the data that you have on your Applixir site’s page:
Inside the SDK settings you’ll find the following values:
Account Id - is your account id. You may find it on the Applixir page of your website.
Site Id - is your site id. You may find it on the Applixir page of your website.
Zone Id - is the Zone that the platform uses to serve the ads. You may find it on the Applixir page of your website. The default one used for testing is 2050.
Log Level - the level of the logs you want to receive in the website’s JS console. Values Vary from None (no logs) to the Trace (full logs).
Debug Play video result - this is used only in the Editor. As can’t show ads inside the editor, however, Developers need to properly handle and test the flows - both successful and failing - this option will be used in the editor: whenever you call to play Video ads this value will be returned in the callback.
‼️Remember to set the Log Level to None for the production builds